Saturday, August 30, 2008

Unsecured Debt Consolidation Loan Is A Highly Efficient Way To Settle Due Debts In A Very Convenient Manner

Category: Finance, Credit.

According to financial researchers, every year thousands of people face the problem of bad debts, as they fail to repay their existing debts on time. This attitude creates various problems in their financial life, as very few banks and financial institutions pay proper attention to their loan request.

Usually, people face this problem due to their careless attitude towards loans and other debts and get trapped in the cycle of debts. However, things have changed for such borrowers with the involvement of debt consolidation services but since such service providers follow a strict procedure for approval, very few defaulters get a chance to settle their due debts. There are some debt consolidation service providers in the market that offer unsecured debt consolidation services, so that non homeowners may also get a chance to settle their debts. For people, who possess any home property to keep against these services, getting help from such services is quite easy but for non homeowners this situation is very critical. These services are beneficial for every tenant, council tenant and students, who live with their parents. When you are weighed down by multiple debts and seeking a solution to settle them, you can always take help from unsecured debt consolidation loan. Since these services cover a wide range of debts, with them the borrower can be rest assured about settlement of every debt without differentiation.

Unsecured debt consolidation loan is a highly efficient way to settle due debts in a very convenient manner. Lenders that offer unsecured debt consolidation loan carefully analyze your requirement and provide finance according to that. Since this loan is collateral free, you can get the finance without risking your home property. This loan can prove to be very beneficial for tenants or non homeowners with multiple debts, as they can provide them with suitable financial assistance to settle various debts. This loan not only consolidates your debts but also help you in improving your credit record, as it enables you to repay your debt on time. Basically, unsecured debt consolidation loan is for people, who do not possess any home property to keep as collateral but homeowners, who do not want to risk their home property, can also apply for this loan. Homeowners, who apply for this loan, also get equal benefits and assistance, as there is not any restriction regarding applicant s financial status.

Once you have got trapped into the cycle of debts, there is no other way than consolidating them through a suitable mode. Therefore, if you are facing any kind of problem in settling your due debts, then take help of these loans to get freedom from all your debts. It is quite true that for non homeowners this situation is more problematic, as very few debt consolidation firms and lender offer collateral free finance for debt settlement. Therefore, do not let your debts become burdensome and apply for these loans to attain financial freedom in the least hassle some manner. However, with this loan you can find a convenient and simple solution to send off all your financial worries in the least hassle some manner.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Dealing With Debts Is Also Something Like This

Category: Finance, Credit.

Some people wonder how the big entrepreneurs manage their money that sometimes grow like empires while they cannot keep good control over their personal finance that is never more than a few thousand pounds.

It is all about knowing well as to how to do it. In fact, there is no magical thing that helps big businessmen deal with their finance successfully. Dealing with debts is also something like this. For this, what is necessary is a suitable debt management plan and smart implementation of it. Unless it is severe and totally out of control, debts of any amount can be paid off gradually. In this regard, the concerned person must have to be proactive enough to put the plan nicely into use.

Many people build up huge debts due to their uncontrollable habit of shopping and that is also on credit. He should be in the mood of a compromise and give up some spending habits, if he has it. They keep on doing so until they realise that they have a huge heap of debts against their name. Some people may have genuine reasons to spend on credit. Things may not be the same in case of all people. Whatever may be the case, unmanageable debts is highly injurious to ones financial heath.

Getting a means to solve the debt problem is not at all impossible though sometimes it may be a little difficult. So, sorting out this with debt management plan makes real sense. With a number of companies offering financial solution, it is very easy to get a suitable debt management plan that can sort out your debt problem. You have to make sure that you are accepting the right deal that suits your personal need. However, simply taking the plan is not enough. You may look for a customised deal if your situation is unique.


Do Your Finest Not To Be A Victim Of Credit Card Debt - Finance and Credit Blog:

Before anything else, if you have had a credit history which is far from terrific and you re in despair about ever getting a credit card corporation to give you credit, there are credit card suppliers that give persons who have a bad credit rating past an opportunity to straighten things out.

You Can Stop Worrying Then About Falling Deeper Into Debt - Adrienne Gidcumb about Finance and Credit:

If you find yourself like other Americans in credit card debt, then you know the actual harm that can be done to your credit.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So What Do Credit Counselors Do

Category: Finance, Credit.

Whenever a person falls into debt it does not mean that he has led an unplanned life. Death, loss of a job, medical emergencies can all result in massive amounts of money either flowing out he house or significant monetary contributions getting frozen.

Things happen in our lives which can suddenly destroy all the plans we had and land us in a situation which was kind of unimaginable to us. Any of these situations can land up you into a bad credit situation. But that need not mean that you suffer because of those losses for all your life. Of course you can also be in considerable debt just because you took a few wrong financial decisions early in your life. You must get up, get rid of your misfortunes and misadventures and start afresh. Credit counseling provides the individual with the confidence to fight back, the tools to repay his debts, and the know- how to stay clear of future debts. This is where the merits of credit counseling lie.

Ideally, the credit counselor should first analyze and understand your credit situation, draw up a workable solution for you to get rid of your debts and then motivate you towards reaching your objective. It is one thing to negotiate the interest rates, but to actually help you focus on the goals ahead and keep you on track is what separates an ordinary credit counselor from a good one. This is the primary responsibility of a good credit counselor. So what do credit counselors do? When you are deep in debt and you have failed to make payments to your creditors for a few successive months, your creditor also becomes apprehensive. Well they negotiate for you with the creditor.

They can of course drag you to court for default in payment. You will have to declare that you are bankrupt but the creditor wouldn t gain anything out of that. But if you are really not in a position to pay back the loan with the interest, then there is hardly any gain for your creditor. The credit counselors try to find a middle path. The creditors opt for this because they get their capital back with some interest and they don t have to go to the court and drag the matter on. They negotiate with your creditors so that the creditors relax the interest rates slightly so that it becomes easier for you to pay back.


Credit Cards - Pamela Lindquist's Finance and Credit blog:

You need some extra money, but you can t decide how exactly you should go about getting it.

After All, The Credit Card Company Needs To Make Up For The Loss Somehow - Finance and Credit:

If you are seriously looking to eliminate debt, then you need to consider applying for a balance transfer credit card. The Cold, Hard Facts.

Getting Your Credit Reports - Finance and Credit:

5 step guide to credit repair.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Educating Yourself On Credit Repair Is A Must In Today S Society

Category: Finance, Credit.

Identity theft.

There can be nothing that will be fully one hundred percent sure in protecting your credit, but let s talk about some things you need to keep in mind so it doesn t happen in the first place or happen again if you ve already been a victim. Can you feel your blood pressure raising? It isn t too complicated. You then need to keep track of what is going on in your credit report so you can detect any dubious information. You need to deter the identity criminals and be sure to protect your information like you would a marriage certificate or precious family photos. Next you need to be sure to defend your identity right away when you find a problem or suspect one. It can affect you as long as a violent crime can, and even in an emotional way as well because it can be very frustrating.

Identity theft is potentially very severe and is a vicious crime. How does it happen to you? Once again, you can t be fully guaranteed that your identity can t be damaged, but you can greatly diminish your exposure. What happens is your most personal information is used and abused by a criminal without your permission( of course) to commit all kinds of fraud and other misdeeds. What to do if your identity has been stolen( meaning you will likely need credit repair) ? First, contact the credit reporting bureaus and ask for a fraud alert to be placed on your report.

We ll discuss the steps the Federal Trade Commission recommends. The nice thing about a fraud alert is that it tells all creditors they must contact your prior to starting any type of new line of credit or changing your current accounts. They are then responsible in advising the other bureaus on your behalf. You only really need to contact one bureau for this to be done. After you have this in place, you re allowed to get credit reports at no cost. Next it is recommended that you close all of the accounts you know or suspect haven been affected with or started illegally. You can also ask to have only the last four digits of your social security number to appear on your credit reports.

Then an important step you don t want to miss is to make a police report with your local police agency. Be sure to take down the report number as it will be required by your creditors as proof there is a crime and that you re not just trying to get away with something. Be sure you contact the proper law enforcement agency in the city/ area where the crime took place, otherwise you ll just be directed to them anyway. The next step as you get moving in your credit repair is to be sure to file your complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. It also has the benefit of helping them learn a lot more about what kind of identity theft crimes are happening so not only your problem can be more quickly resolved but maybe it will keep it from happening to someone else. They have a huge file of cases that various law enforcement agencies use to investigate the crime.

Educating yourself on credit repair is a must in today s society.


Provides 0% Intro APR On Card Purchases - Finance and Credit Articles:

There are lot of Credit Card offers introduced by the worldwide banks for the benefits of their customers.

Even The Cash Advance Fee Is Low With This Card - Sasha Jang's Finance and Credit blog:

You probably don t even take the time to think about it.

Student Credit Card Debt Is Out Of Control - Candice Derrico about Finance and Credit:

College students are constantly feeling the pressure of credit card companies vying for their business and wanting them to apply for a credit card.

Friday, August 22, 2008

No Matter What Type Of Business You Are Engaged In, You Certainly Need Business Credit To Get Started On The Right Foot

Category: Finance, Credit.

No matter what type of business you are engaged in, you certainly need business credit to get started on the right foot. Without business credits, no matter how bright an idea you have, it most certainly only just dies.

And if you are already started, you need business credit to grow the business into the right heights it should grow to. There are other people that would have made a much greater success with their existing businesses if they had business credit to do so. There are many varieties of business credits that anyone can pick from. Thankfully, there are now business credits that can be given to anyone interested in either starting a business or expanding an existing one. The size, characteristic and nature of your business should be the main determining factor for which business credit you should look for. There are many types of business credits to choose from. If you own a business, you can now smile.

Small loans for business are the best types of business credit that small business owners should go for. There are however more competition for the small business loans than any other. You can obtain these small business loans from the banks and other private sector providers. In an attempt to appear more attractive than the competition you will find lots of banks with low interest rates and good repayment. You can find other kinds of business loans to pick from, such as the merchant account cash advance business loan, the commercial real estate loans, the start- up business loans, the secured and unsecured business loans. This has gone a long way to increase business owners chances of getting their hands on cheap business credit. Ensure that you meticulously make precise inquiries about your options before going ahead to obtain any business credit.

As there are lots of the best business credit providers online. If you want to go searching for the best business credit you should begin your search on the Internet. More over, there are now many good sites on the Internet that can give you very good information and the exact business credit facts and figures you need.


Mortgage Loan Consolidation Services Might Be The Answer You Are Looking For - Finance and Credit Articles:

Want a little more financial breathing room than you current budget allows? But with a flexible low cost mortgage loan, the interest you pay should be set at a more competitive level.

This Card Takes The Worry Out Of Credit - Krista Fischer's Finance and Credit blog:

Looking for the perfect student credit card? Students have unique credit card needs, and Discover meets those needs with lots of great options.

The Credit Card Differs From The Debit Card - Melba Fregoso's Finance and Credit blog:

The credit card industry is very lucrative for the companies largely because of the effect of compound interest. With the debit card you are using funds that are already in your account they belong to you.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

How To Shop For Credit Cards

Category: Finance, Credit.

Many people assume that all credit cards are equal, but did you know that there are significant differences between cards? Doing a bit of comparison shopping will ensure that you get the best deal for you possibly saving you a lot of money in the process.

Some may be a better fit for you than others, and this is why it is really important when you are looking into plastic money to compare all of the features of each card with those of the others. How To Shop For Credit Cards? Do you just need a regular old card that will allow you to make charges when you need to and pay them off? When you are shopping for debt cards you need to think about how you will use the card. Do you use cards mostly for gasoline purchases, or do you like to earn points or airline miles when you buy things with your card? These are all questions that you need to ask yourself because they will affect the type of card that you should choose based on use.

Are you a student, a business owner? If you just want a no frills credit card than you will find that you may be able to get a traditional charge card that has a very low interest rate and a high credit limit. If you use your cards mostly for gas, then you may want to look into one of the many gas debt cards that are out there. This will allow you to make all of the charges that you need and you needn t worry about extra fees or anything associated with other cards that have more bells and whistles. These are specifically for gas purchases and you may be able to save on gas as well as on the charges that would come with other cards that have more offers associated with them. You can accumulate these points or miles very quickly and it will give you the money that you need to make those trips that you like to make. If you like to accumulate travel miles or points toward travel than you may want to look into one of the credit cards that will allow you to earn these things every time you make a purchase.

These cards are not right for everyone, but for those that like to travel. When you are a student or a business owner you will find that there are debt cards that are just for you. This could be a great way to make traveling affordable. These usually have lower interest rates and the perks that you are more likely to want or need to take advantage of. Comparison- shopping doesn t have to take that long, you simply need to get it done to be certain that you are getting the best interest rates and the best deal for you. It s important to choose the card that is right for you, whatever it is that you are looking for.


Picking The Right Type Of Credit Card Online Is Essential - Finance and Credit Blog:

Obtaining an online credit card does not exclude the possibility of ending up in with an unwanted debt, i. e. a credit card debt. The items that seem affordable at first may seem truly pricey when the bill comes.

And Is No Different Shopping For A Credit Card - Finance and Credit Articles:

People are people.

Quarterly, A Statement Is Mailed To The Student - Denise Conboy's Finance and Credit blog:

The cost of post- secondary education, like everything else in life, is on the rise.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Best Balance Transfer Credit Cards Will Allow You The Freedom You Seek

Category: Finance, Credit.

Zero interest credit cards are available on an introductory basis in order to win your business. The best balance transfer credit cards have the lowest balance transfer costs, the lowest fees and penalties, and the lowest introductory rate( zero is preferred) for the longest introductory period.

Given that the high costs of credit can painfully restrict your opportunities because your money is not available for things that matter to you, surely it would pay to take advantage of these types of offers. What s more, once you have transferred your balance and enjoyed a long period of relief from interest, you don t have to settle for paying interest again. When your interest free period is about to expire you can transfer your balance yet again to another special rate introductory credit card and continue to enjoy the benefits of paying no interest. That s right. Finding the best balance transfer credit cards can take a lot of time and mental energy, even with the plethora of findings on the internet. These sites have already done most of the work for you and have chosen what they believe to be the most valuable balance transfer deals available.

The quickest and easiest way to locate the best offers is to use the services of an online credit card transfer website. Of course, they won t make the final choice for you so you will have to carefully read the terms and conditions of the cards on their sites. Once you have evaluated the best balance transfer credit cards and decided on one, most of these sites also offer online applications to make things easier still. However, this is nowhere nearly as onerous as starting from scratch. A few of the best balance transfer credit cards websites also offer a reminder service to alert customers when their interest free period is about to expire. Even though you may intend to take advantage of another introductory credit card offer, it is easy to let time get away from you and find yourself making high payments again before you know it. This service is enormously beneficial to people who have decided that they want to transfer their balance to another zero interest card before interest charges kick in.

A reminder can warn you that you need to take action as a priority if you want to continue to receive the financial benefits of not having to pay credit card interest. For people who are stressed financially because of credit card debt, interest free offers can provide enormous financial relief. Whether or not you are struggling under the weight of credit card payments, if you are paying credit card interest at all, you are paying too much. However, even if you can comfortably make your monthly payments, you could be using the money saved on interest to further improve your financial position, help someone else or in fact for anything you wish. Online credit card transfer services make it so easy to find and apply for the best credit card transfer credit cards in the marketplace that you could find yourself in a much better financial position tomorrow, if you act today. Credit card interest savings give you more money in your pocket every month and you can use it however you wish.

The best balance transfer credit cards will allow you the freedom you seek.


But, What Is Bankruptcy - Finance and Credit Articles:

Increasing number people are filing for bankruptcy to get out of debt. Do you know enough of it?

Similar Things Happen To Other Rewards - Finance and Credit Articles:

Getting rewarded as you spend money with your credit card makes things interesting for a credit card holder.

Credit Control - Finance and Credit Articles:

From the moment you have your first business idea, through the periods of growth and development, Inksmoor and our Business Partners can provide the debtor and funding solutions to help make that path easier.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So Don T Dread Applying For A Credit Card

Category: Finance, Credit.

First, you have to be aware that even if credit cards come with particular exciting perks like cash prices or gift certificates, it doesn t give you the right to spend much more than you re entitled to or you may well end up in debt. It more over ensures you a speedier relay of your credit card.

A benefit of Internet credit card registration is that it saves you both time as well as finances. Credit card firms that specialize in providing student credit cards utilize the credit card rate or annual credit card rate( APR) , as a check to stop students from exceeding the credit card limit and as a means of encouraging fast payment of credit card bills. So serious tending is needed when utilizing your credit cards. If you re unable to meet your credit debts on account of the fact that you re too far behind in payments, you stand the risk of facing bankruptcy and may well loose a considerable chunk of your assets in the bid to pay off your debts. The beauty about the credit card method is that it s attainable for all people, regardless of wage, including you or condition. Chase credit card, a major credit card firm can be found on the Internet with a diversity of credit cards like flexible rewards visa signature card, free cash rewards platinum visa card, chase perfect platinum master card and others.

So don t dread applying for a credit card. It s possible to access the imperative info on the web site- www. The attraction of a business credit card is that it facilitates business fees accounting. Chase. com. In addition, the business owner can have an account of his fees drawn up for study or for the record. If you re somebody who loves shopping at a particular retail outlet, seek if the outlet supplies credit cards is a fine way of getting a credit card suited to your needs. You have to pay close attention to details when filling out an application for a credit card on account of the fact that any slight blunder may well mar your reliability as well as render you ineligible to get a credit card.

On a final note, if you re in credit card debt and are planning to consolidate your credit card debt, you have to make a decision to spend capital cautiously and meet payments on time. This decision will obviously help you pay off your debts faster.


Get Up To$ 200, 000 To" Move" Your Existing Business - Finance and Credit:

In today s economy, small businesses play an important role. There are all kinds of new businesses popping up all over the United States, from department stores to gas stations.

But, It Hurts The Credit Card Holder In More Than One Ways - Finance and Credit Blog:

When a business such as hotel blocks or keeps your credit card on hold for certain amount while you avail the services of the hotel or business is termed as credit card blocking. When a person checks into a hotel and uses his/ her credit card for registration, the booking clerk contacts the credit card company and depending on your estimated stay will tell the credit card company about your bill.

Similar Things Happen To Other Rewards - Finance and Credit Articles:

Getting rewarded as you spend money with your credit card makes things interesting for a credit card holder.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Can You Live A Debt- Free Life

Category: Finance, Credit.

You imagined it before haven t you?

Most of us are in some degree of debt, it may be student loans, or a big, a car payment credit card balance. We all have imagined what it would be like to live a life free of debt, but reality intrudes. It doesn t matter what form you take, you have it and there nothing you can do about or so you think. Can you live a debt- free life? Is this really true? The biggest problem is not whether it is even possible( because it is) , but rather about not knowing how to make it happen. What is necessary for you to attain such a coveted position?

Where do you begin? Keep reading and you will see. Naturally, a negative view of your circumstances will hinder you from searching for a way out. First, it is import to approach the issue of debt with the proper attitude. It can be hard to see what you need to do when you are living from paycheck to paycheck. You want to be debt- free then say it and then dedicate yourself to attaining that goal.

You must establish your goal in the clearest terms you can. Make your commitment now. One of the best questions you can ask yourself if what not to do. Second, you will need to learn what types of strategies there are to help you meet you goals. This may mean trying to deal with every known financial problem at once. If you have difficulties with your spending habits, you may try to cut yourself off" cold turkey" or you may try to cut back with the intention of saving. You can quickly become bogged down.

Honestly, this all or nothing approach is completely unrealistic and can become rather messy when you consider your debt situation. Take it slow and be deliberate. Don t be in a rush to get fast results because you will be disappointed. Examine each area of debt, determine what plan you will need to make, and then start, establish the goal implementing your strategy, whatever it is. Keep going until you reach the goal. Don t get discouraged.

That is often more than half the battle. We all fall for the illusion that a small expense here and there doesn t mean that much. A specific area that is normally the root of your problems is having poor spending habits. Of course, they accumulate quickly and become something we cannot ignore. The less money you use to eat out, etc, buy expensive clothing, the more will be available to pay down that debt until it is gone. The only way you will be able to get out of debt is to change your entire spending philosophy from the ground up. There is something to be said for frugality.

Don t spend needlessly but save as much as you can. If you want something, then you should learn to wait for it. Do not be mistaken. But, you will find that is very possible to have a debt- free life. It will take work.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Australian Credit Reports Are Much Different To Those In The UK And US

Category: Finance, Credit.

A credit report is information sent to private credit checking firms, lenders, typically by banks, utility companies, telecoms and internet suppliers about how customers manage their accounts with them.

Consumers can get a free copy of their credit reports by writing to the credit checking firms. This information is then used by other banks, utility companies, lenders, etc to decide if potential customers are an acceptable risk when it comes to granting credit. They can expect to receive a response within 10 days of writing. Records from public sources such as bankruptcy and judgments may also appear on a consumers credit report. Credit reports include personal information that includes name, date, address- of- birth, employment and drivers license details to help lenders confirm the identity of potential customers. A credit report will also tell lenders when an applicant has defaulted on any contracts where payment was deferred for more than a week. This includes paid up credit defaults, which should be recorded as settled.

For the default to be listed with the credit checking firm, the payment has to have been more than 60 days late and action needs to have been taken to recover the debt. Credit applications made by consumers will appear on their credit file, along with serious credit infringements- where a bank believes there to be strong evidence of fraud, such as when someone moves home to avoid paying their debts. Credit applications, defaults and court judgments remain on record for 5 years. The length of time a listing will stay on a credit record varies depending on the type of information concerned. More serious listings, such as bankruptcy orders or serious credit infringements will be recorded for 7 years. Veda Advantage can be contacted at: Veda Advantage Public Access, North Sydney NSW, PO Box 964 205Dun and Bradstreet at Public Access Centre, Dun and Bradstreet( Australia) PL, PO box 7405, VIC 300Tasmanian Collection, St Kilda Road Service can be contacted at GPO Box 814H, TAS 700 Consumers, Hobart can have errors fixed by writing to the relevant credit provider and credit reference agency. The companies who compile credit reports in Australia are Veda Advantage, Dun and Bradstreet and the Tasmanian Collection Service who hold records about Tasmanians.

The Federal Privacy Commissioner is the agency to contact if a consumer is having difficulties getting an error fixed. Veda Advantage is the biggest credit reference agency in Australia with records on around 14 million Australians, followed by Dun and Bradstreet and the Tasmanian Collection Service. The FPC can be contacted at GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 200Examples of errors that can occur are misspellings of names and addresses, listing of debts, identity theft that don t belong to individual consumers, and defaults where the overdue payment period was less than 60 days. Consumers often check their credit report for the first time when they are refused credit. Australian credit reports are much different to those in the UK and US. This can happen because they have failed to repay a debt or they have had their identity stolen. In Australia reports are only allowed to show payment performance information once things have gone wrong.

This type of credit report information is sometimes referred to as positive data, with the Australian default model sometimes being referred to as negative data. In the US and UK, lenders share payment performance histories with the credit checking firms on a monthly basis.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

There Are Many Ways Of Accepting Debit And Credit Card Transactions From Your Customers

Category: Finance, Credit.

There are many ways of accepting debit and credit card transactions from your customers.

These banks, HBOS etc, such as Streamline. , issue merchant accounts which allow you to process credit cards and debit cards through a variety of methods. However obtaining a merchant account from a UK based bank is by far the least expensive method. Traditionally debit and credit card processing would have been organised via a credit card machine, sometimes referred to as a PDQ machine. The humble credit card machine has been joined by virtual terminals and full Ecommerce with shopping carts as more and more people are buying online and banks have to introduce stringent measures to prevent rogue traders from obtaining credit and debit card accepting payment facilities. However in recent years the Internet has opened other sales channels requiring secure payment facilities. Due to these efforts the problem from UK based rogue merchants has been all but eradicated but the problem continues to exist with non- UK based traders.

It is a simple password- protected identity- checking service which takes a good proportion of risk out of buying on- line and gives the same level of fraud protection as chip and pin. Verified by Visa( VbV) and MasterCard SecurCode are becoming more common in Ecommerce( Internet) credit card processing and have been introduced to negate the fear factor amongst consumers when purchasing via the Internet. Cardholders can register a password with their card issuer, which they will be prompted to enter every time they use the card online( rather like entering a PIN number into a credit card machine) and they are then protected from fraudulent transactions using their payment card and thus gain the reassurance needed to spend with confidence. However, a merchant account is still necessary in order to keep credit card processing cost to a minimum. Companies such as Protx provide secure online credit card processing payment facilities for thousands of bona- fide online and mail- order business across the UK. Applying for a merchant account can be something of a minefield and it is worthwhile doing some research before making any application particularly with regard to the rates offered as these can vary considerably and you may find too late that there are some expensive hidden or unexpected costs. They have access to rates offered by a number of banks and can advise the best available in a given situation.

The most time- efficient means of looking into the market is through use of a third party organisation such as Seymour Direct who specialise in obtaining the best rates for their customers depending on the type of business, area of trade and current or forecasted turnover on cards. For further information on low charges telephone 0800 980 4007 or visit Semour Direct website. These may include financial information regarding your business( if your business is less than 12 months old this would take the form of a business plan or forecast) , any printed literature regarding your products or services, written details of any guarantees or warranties you offer your customers, proof of identity and if you already hold a merchant account with another bank of financial organisation it can help to have available 3 months current processing statements. Once you ve decided or been advised which bank or financial organization best suits your business requirements there is a certain amount of preparatory work to do in collating the paperwork that will be required to obtain your card processing facility. If all this information is at hand you will find that the application process will be much smoother and simpler. It takes on average about three weeks to set up a merchant account from the date you return the Merchant Agreement to your chosen financial institution but could take longer if your business is deemed as high risk by the bank.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ready To Build Your Credit History

Category: Finance, Credit.

Ready to build your credit history? But before you sign that application form, here are five things you need to know: They come to you.

Probably your first foray into this kind of adventure is through your very own student credit card. If you still do not have a student credit card, do not worry. Many of them even visit school campuses and actively offer their credit card services to students right inside the campus grounds. Credit card companies will come to you and if you' re currently enrolled, they will find you. They will even throw in a few freebies like coffee mugs, stickers, t- shirts, pens and the like if you sign up. Or you can take advantage of their offer by applying online.

Even if you do not find one in your own school, you could simply go online, shop for the best interest rates and then give your bank of choice a call. Your need for a student credit card depends on whether you can afford it. However, it is still a question of whether you have enough funds to pay your balances monthly whether in full or in minimum payments. Sure, a student credit card offers the convenience that cash cannot it is safe, you get access to money 24/ 7 and unlike cash, a lost credit card can be replaced. Student credit cards are notorious for giving their carriers a sense of independence that can go haywire if they do not watch out. You will also need to watch out for other fees and charges such as carrying or finance charges, annual fees and cash advance fees. Small purchases can pile up on a monthly basis and pretty soon, even the minimum monthly payment is difficult to reach.

If you add these to your regular transactions, you could end up with a pretty steep bill. If you got your student credit card at a low interest fixed rate, lucky you. Fixed rates do not last. But your nice interest rate may not always remain that way. Just keep it mind that it may or may not happen. Credit card companies can change your interest rates at any time, provided they inform you at least 15 days before and there's little you can do about it. Be sure to read your agreement when you sign up so you will know what to expect in the future.

Surprised to find a bill for a pair of expensive flip- flops you never bought? You ca not always trust your bill. You' re not the only one. If there are dubious or false entries, call your credit card company to dispute it. Many consumers find items on their credit card bills that they' ve never actually paid for, so it's a good idea to always, always check your billing statement when you receive it. If there are fees or charges you do not understand, it woould not hurt to ask questions. You have every right to question anything on your credit card bill that you find suspicious.

After all, you are the client and the credit card company is offering you a service. You can ruin your credit history if you are not careful. It can haunt you for a really long time if you do not handle it well. Bad credit is worse than a disgruntled ghost. The few thousand dollars you owe now when you are still a student may not seem like a lot, but it can quickly balloon into a debt you may have a problem paying back in the future. If you do not have a student credit card now, you might want to ask yourself if you really need it.

And when it reaches that point, you could hurt your chances for other loans and mortgages you might be interested in when you' re finally out of college. And if you do, ask yourself if you can afford it. A well managed student credit card is your first ticket to building a credit history that you will be proud of down the line. If you can, have the self- discipline to use it well.